Saturday, September 3, 2011


"She had sung it so many times this morning he had had the chance to memorize all the words. It didn't matter that he didn't understand the language, he knew what it meant.

Again and again he sang the chorus, almost whispering for fear someone might hear him, mock him, punish him..

Still, he wished he could open himself up the way she did, bellow it out, dig inside himself to see what was really there. It thrilled him when she sang the loudest, the highest. If he didn't have his rifle to hold in front of him he would have embarrassed himself every time, her singing brought about such a raging, aching passion that his penis stiffened before she had finished her first line, growing harder and harder as the song progressed until he was lost in a confusion of pleasure and terrible pain, the stock of his rifle brushing imperceptibly up and down, leading him towards relief.

He leaned back against the wall, dizzy and electrified. They were for her, these furious erections.

Every boy there dreamed of crawling on top of her, filling her mouth with their tongues as they pushed themselves inside her. They loved her, and in these fantasies that came to them waking and sleeping, she loved them in return.

But for Cesar it was more than that. Cesar knew he was hard for the music. As if music was a separate thing you could drive yourself into, make love to, fuck."

- Ann Patchett, Bel Canto

Passion chokes the flower until she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty hungry still for more

- Delerium, Silence featuring Sarah McLachlan 

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