Saturday, January 28, 2012

a night time fear

"As he rose in the school he began to make a religion of some other boy. When this boy, whether older or younger than himself, was present, he would laugh loudly, talk absurdly and be unable to work. He dared not be kind - it was not the thing - still less to express his admiration in words.


The adoration was mutual on one occasion, both yearning they knew for not what, but the result was the same..

All that came out of the chaos were the the two feelings of beauty and tenderness that he had first felt in a dream. They grew yearly, flourishing like plants that are all leaves and show no sign of flower. Towards the close of his education at Sunnington the growth stopped.

A check, a silence, fell upon the complex processes, and very timidly the youth began to look around him."

- Maurice, E.M. Forster

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